Why Whiteboards?

Why Whiteboards?

Whiteboards are the low-tech active learning tool essential for every classroom.

Abridged article courtesy Furnware.

When the ancient Egyptians drew hieroglyphics on the walls of the pyramids, they were on to something. Since then, people have been using writing on surfaces to record stories and chart solutions to issues for thousands of years. 

The digital tablets of today have taken the place of the ancient stone tablets, yet there is still something special about recording thoughts and disseminating knowledge in writing that cannot be replaced. 

When students and teachers collaborate and share information using whiteboards, communication, discussion, and inclusivity improve. 

Here are our top six justifications for why whiteboard tables are effective in a classroom and why educators and students love this low-tech teaching tool. 

1. Promote collaboration 

Writing on a computer or in a book is a highly solitary activity. Everyone benefits when students gather around a whiteboard to collaborate and produce ideas while being able to see each other's work. Observing a peer writing and collaborating can help motivate participation. 

2. Create a visual thought process 

Students can solve a problem visually with a whiteboard and start over if necessary. They can write down their ideas so that everyone can see them, allowing for discussion and feedback as they consider several options to find the best solution. Students also can think things through before they commit to writing their finished work in a book. 

3. Every student has an opportunity 

Whiteboards promote democracy, in contrast to personal devices, which a single person at the keyboard controlsStudents around a whiteboard table can all write at once. Fostering an atmosphere where everyone's thoughts can be shared simultaneously allows fantastic creative thinking 

4. Easy to use 

Whiteboards are a straightforward low-tech tool, and their simplicity promotes creative thinking. You do not have to update your software or learn a new programme. Students and educators do not need to worry about it running out of batteries or crashing. Only occasional cleaning is requiredotherwisewhiteboard tables are incredibly low maintenance.  

5. Save it for later 

Brainstorm and get innovative ideas down on whiteboard surface. Take a picture, document, then store it so you can share and discuss ideas later. 

6Instant feedback 

With whiteboards, student can receive immediate feedback on their work. Teachers can quickly correct mistakes, offer suggestions, and provide praise, which helps to keep pupils motivated. Overall, whiteboards are a simple yet effective tool for increasing student engagement in the classroom. By allowing them to actively participate in the learning process, providing visual aids, encouraging collaboration, and offering immediate feedback, teachers can create a more engaging and effective learning environment. 

7. Any surface can become a whiteboard  

Well...almost. From tables to storage units to teaching hubs - whiteboard surfaces can work wherever, and however the teaching and learning happens. Where else can you get away with letting the kids write on furniture? 

Whiteboards for every space

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